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Monday, February 16, 2015

Needlepoint Tallit Bag

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I learned how to do regular needle point stitches when I was in Middle school. When I met my husband, his mother had made him a beautiful tallis bag with his name on it that had many different types of stitches. I hadn't really realized how many different kinds of stitches existed.

My mother had done some beautiful needlepoint of teddy bears when I was little, but the piece had spent most of my childhood in broken frame tucked away in a closet. It wasn't until our first child was born that my mother had it her bears redone that I really noticed and how beautiful a basic design could be made from all the different types of stitches and designs.

Here is a kit I found on Amazon for a Tallit.
Tallit 4 Needlepoint Kit

101 Needlepoint Stitches and How to Use Them: Fully Illustrated with Photographs and Diagrams (Dover Embroidery, Needlepoint)

Here's a video from Needlepoint for Fun that might help you get started:


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